My Butterfly prototype was a feature at the 'Player's Art': Guitar Exhibition at the Colby College Museum of Art May 7th thru July 17th, 2005. The Maine State Guitar was also part of the 'Players Art' Exhibition.
This is the 1990 Sobell Model 1 Butterfly that inspired me to start building guitars. This guitar was owned by Martin Simpson and used on his 1991 album 'When I Was On Horseback'. I owned this guitar (2006 - 2007) and recorded with it on Arborea's first album 'Wayfaring Summer' (used on the title track) and you can also hear it on the instrumental 'Plains of Macedonia' on Arborea's 2008 S/T album. This guitar has a long scale length at 26.5, beautiful sparkle to the trebles and a strong solid bass. The guitar has a great fundamental and lush overtones.